Monday, March 06, 2006

Corporate Compliance and the Board of Directors

Corporate governance allows the Chairman and Directors to control and provide leadership thus ensuring that the Corporation remains a self-regulating and self-perpetuating Centre for Financial and Human PROFIT.

The formula for good governance is, People + Passion + Performance = PROFIT

A Company founded on ethical business conduct generates productivity and creates a loyal consumer base. As law and business practices change over time, it is necessary for a Company to review its documentation of business transactions and operations periodically, in line with current legal, industry and consumer expectations and values.

Has your Company reviewed its "Standard Documentation" for business?

It is important to:
A. Document evidence of performance of business transactions by your Company; and,
B. Document evidence of performance by individual employees within your Company

Periodic review of existing work flow documentation, and corporate compliance practices can help you identify, define and implement policies on leadership and control by the Board of Directors and Management Team within your Corporation more effectively.

To ensure effective monitoring and control of your Company’s business it is important to have a Code of Corporate Compliance and Standards of Ethical Conduct.

The Code should set out permitted conduct in carrying out company business promoting efficiency and productivity.

There should additionally be a Corporate Social Responsibility Statement, to set out your Company's commitment on quality and conduct to suppliers, consumers and the community

These essential Instruments can improve staff performance and, promote greater consumer confidence.

Siddha Param
Corporate Consultant