Monday, January 09, 2012

Biz Strategy

Re-energize and Lead Your Team
Achieve Greater Success in 2012

Tips to inspire you and your team members

Excite The Team with Your Vision

Each new year requires a re-dedication to the vision and goals of the organization through an evaluation of current realities and feed back from customers.

Encourage team members to claim ownership of the vision in a way that excites them into action.

Select The Right Person for The Job

This requires not just ensuring that the individual is qualified and competent, but additionally that they have the right personality and attitude for the set task.

Remember that different job functions may require different personality types. A personality weakness in one job may translate into a strength when re-assigned to another job function.

Consider investing into training and hiring from within.

Have a Practical Written Agenda for Action

In listing out the steps to be taken to achieve the targets set in the Action Plan remember to make them achievable with deadlines for completion.

Listen to Feedback from The Team & Customers

Remember that many hands make for light work. Encourage a team spirit that leads to creative synergy resulting in task being completed more easily without compromise on quality.

Understand that behind every great leader is a team. Every team member knows they can’t make it on their own. But Together Each Achieves Magic!

Business is About Delivering Value

Focus not just on delivering a service or product. Delight your customers by giving them a memorable positive experience.

Create a feel good factor within the team and amongst your customers.

Believe in Your Vision And Share This with The World

Broadcasting your values and vision creates expectation that once met creates loyalty from the team and customers who become advocates spreading the good word to their personal network of family, friends and associates.

Monitor Performance and Stay in Control

Personally get involved in understanding the facts on the ground through regular feed back, briefings and on the ground visits.

Remote monitoring should be supplemented with sufficient periodic face to face meetings that allow you to understand the facts behind the numbers.

Reward good performance and remedy weaknesses promptly.

Ensure that staff have access to coaching and consulting advise that allows them to learn and implement solutions in a manner that enhances their self-esteem.

Be a Great Leader

It is important that each member of a team is made to feel they count. Be consistent in praising and encouraging good behavior.

Rewarding success motivates individuals to perform better. Always deliver more then is expected.

Think big, act boldly and always exceed the expectations of team members.

Make 2012 your year for exceptional performance and success.

Have a great year!
Siddha Param
International Business Consultant
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