Friday, March 18, 2011

Biz Strategy

The Secret of Success in Business and Life
Drop by drop you can create a mighty ocean.

So  you have a Business Plan and an Action Plan. The secret now is in the implementation one day at a time.  Daily monitoring of your team's actions is the key to success

Have a daily, "to do" list and tick off as you go through the day. Should you miss any items on the list make notes as to why you miss completing those task. Review weekly. Have further monthly in-dept discussions and analysis with your team members as whether the time frame set for completion of tasks are practical. Review and improve as you go along.

Sir William Osler realized this as a medical student at the Montreal General Hospital. He went on to help establish the internationally well known Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. 

He had this poem on his desk which is worth reading daily:


Look to this day!
For it is life, the very life of life.
In its brief course
Lie all the varieties and realities of your existence:
The bliss of growth
The glory of action
The splendor of beauty
For yesterday is but a dream
And tomorrow only a vision
But today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness
And every tomorrow a vision of hope.
Look well, therefore to this day!
Such is the salutation to the dawn
- by Kalidasa, Poet 

By breaking down a task into bits that are manageable for the day we can complete even the most complex task. Remember, beyond the business is your life and happiness. Therefore, set a time when you will clock out and end your work day. This is to ensure you will have time for yourself, your family and your community. A fresh mind in the morning is more productive then a tired one struggling into the late evening.

We need to remember that quality of living is the ultimate measure of success

The business must be rewarding both financially and emotionally. It is important to feel a sense of achievement when a target is reached. Your self-esteem should blossom, only then will the enterprise be a sustained one that revitalizes you enough to want to return day after day until you succeed.

Remember a business has the potential of immortality with the ability to thrive beyond the lifetime of its creators. Therefore leave a positive legacy behind when the time comes for you to move on to enjoy the fruits of your labour. 

Success come to those who dare and act one day at a time.

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