Monday, February 28, 2011

Biz Strategy

Business Action Plan Reboot
Why have a written plan of action

Do you have a Business Plan?

Why did you prepare a Business Plan?

When did you last reviewed your Business Plan?

Is your Business Plan the foundation of your Action Plan?

Does your Action Plan include a learning strategy to achieve goals more effectively?

You need a written plan that allows you to take action based an effective strategy that allows you to adapt quickly to new information and market feedback even as you implement your action plan.

Spend time with your team and consultants to prepare an Action Plan based on the key areas of your Business Plan.

The Action Plan should set out the strategy and steps to be taken in achieving the goals set under the Business Plan particularly in the areas of ; production, marketing and finance.

The Action Plan is the road-map that takes you towards set daily, weekly, quarterly and yearly goals.

The goals should be SMART; that is, specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time bound. These are the critical elements in preparing an Action Plan.

Navigating the business world without an Action Plan is like sailing the oceans with a rudderless ship. To prepare an Action Plan include the following 3 practical steps:
1. State your goals clearly;
2. Prioritize your goals in the right order;
3. Set a realistic timeline and completion period.

Make sure there is a set budget for the Action Plan that should include production cost, marketing expenses, equipment investment, salaries and profit forecast.

Prioritize your expenditure and workout the cost accounting so that you can evaluate the “return on investment” (ROI) for your plan of action.

The ROI should justify the risk involved in achieving the goals set in the Action Plan.

Make sure you get the right information to assess the risk involved. This will help you to decide on the right business modal that allows you to have a realistic risk management strategy to ensure a reasonable expectation of business success.

Make sure you review the results of your actions periodically so that you can make any necessary adjustments to keep you on track to achieving your goals.

The world is your oyster. We live in a era of global trade that allows all businesses no matter your size to reach markets worldwide.

Siddha Param
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, North America
The geographical centre of the world’s largest market!
Siddha Param is an International Business Consultant with
Your connection to global markets!