Saturday, December 01, 2012

Introduction To Business Consulting

To succeed in today's business world all businesses no matter their size will have to be able to compete with both local and global businesses for a share of the market.

To survive and thrive in an environment of open markets it is vital for businesses to seek the advise of business consultants in order to be competitive over the long term.

Siddha Param
International Business Consultant
Winnipeg, Manitoba, CANADA
Your connection to global markets!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


Global Productivity Mindset
Opportunities & Profits Post 2008
Siddha Param & Prashant Tipnis

NOW AVAILABLE at McNally Robinson Booksellers, CANADA

To buy this book please Click On:

 Global Productivity Mindset

Or Visit:

McNally Robinson Booksellers
1120 Grant Avenue, Winnipeg,
Manitoba, Canada R3M 2A6
Toll Free 1-800-561-1833 

This book seeks to highlight the following business realities.

It is necessary to have the right productivity mindset to be competitive in your own market.

In a post 2008 world, the challenge is to be productive in order to be profitable.

Business opportunities exist worldwide for those who have an open mind.

The issues raised in this book should form the basis for discussion, training and consulting from the Boardroom to the Shop floor in order to create a mindset for productivity that leads to human and financial profit within the realities of a post 2008 global economy.


Siddha Param is a graduate in law from the University of London, UK. He practiced as a lawyer in commercial, corporate, banking, construction and civil law acting for clients that included Multinational Corporations in Malaysia. He has conducted talks and training on corporate governance, ethics, company practice and international trade. His over 20 years of commercial and social experiences includes a multicultural understanding of business practices worldwide. He is currently an International Business Consultant based in Canada.

Canada Tel.: 1-204-510-6216 

Prashant Tipnis graduated with a Masters in Science and has over 25 years of experience in the manufacturing industry in four continents. He was certified Environmental Auditor in Kenya. His career includes management experience with the Middle East and East African branches of Multinational Corporations and Fortune 500 Companies. His multicultural work, business, consulting and training experience covers India, Middle East, Africa, Canada, Europe, Asia and the USA. He has conducted presentations to industries worldwide. Prashant, also a Lean Greenbelt Champion, is currently based in Winnipeg, Canada. 

Canada Tel.: 1-204-293-6247

The Authors are in the business of promoting:

Consulting to Identify Improvements
Training to Sustain Improvements 

The authors are available to conduct speaking and training sessions at corporate, business, and social meetings, conventions, seminars and events.  For further details please contact either of the authors at the e-mails or telephone numbers stated above.

Posted by:

Siddha Param
International Business Consultant
Winnipeg, Manitoba, CANADA
Your connection to global markets!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Business Enterprise and the Social Environment
Connecting with consumers in your community
 All successful businesses serve the needs of the community in which they operate.
By interacting with the local community a business can build trust and encourage visits by individuals who become loyal customers.
The idea of providing performance space in a cafe to local talent for FREE performances that draw in a crowd is an excelent idea. In search of a blend of good "breakfast tea" to compliment my fair trade coffee collection I came across a tea place that has succeeded in becoming a Friday evening "family venue" for music performances over a cup of tea or coffee with pastries. This has encouraged sales of packets of tea infusions to those who just dropped in for some entertainment.
These events now create a buzz of conversation on local musical talent in the community, establishing a venue to meet, socialize and enjoy local musical performances over a cuppa.
A community service project that compliments your business is a great way to build a loyal consumer group. Your loyal consumers are the ones who promote your events and products through word of mouth to family, friends and colleagues at work.
The added good news is, being a successful business that draws in the crowd very often attracts other successful businesses into the neighborhood. These businesses can stimulate the local economy creating human and financial profit for both businesses and the local community.
Community service by businesses does pay in the long term. 
Create your community event and enjoy success.         
International Business Consultant
Winnipeg, Manitoba, CANADA
Your connection to global markets!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Biz Strategy

Action Speaks Louder than Words
Research, analyze, & walk the talk

Do Market Research Quietly

Still waters run deep! This saying is advice to be knowledgeable and to speak only when necessary.
You should do your product and market research. Listen to feedback and understand your competition.
No matter what you are selling whether a product or service, chances are there are several competitors out in the market offering pretty much what you are offering. Ask your customers why they come to you for business. Make notes regarding your positive and negative qualities. Do not hesitate to ask customers how you can improve.
From this feedback, analyse your strengths and weaknesses. Create a sales strategy around your strengths and find ways to remedy your weaknesses. Seek the advice of business consultants, skills trainers and your peers in the business.
Write down what makes you and your product or service different or unique. Build your brand and image around these features and strengths. Apply your sales strategy daily.

Have an Action Plan with a Review Function

Do not focus too much on your past good performance.

In order to continue performing successfully you have to take fresh action daily based on an Action Plan that sets out daily, weekly, monthly and yearly schedule. You should review your Action Plan periodically. It is a good idea to have a brief weekly review, followed by a more detailed review perhaps every three months.

Remember, the laws of business success favour those who can best adapt to the changing environment. Do not hesitate to review your plan at any point in the year when changes in the market occur that could impact on your performance either positively or negatively.

Be a Specialist with Contacts in other fields

Do not be a “know-it-all” having a little knowledge on many things but little in-dept knowledge in your area of business. The “talkers” may get heard by the markets but the “quiet doers” very often end up closing the most profitable sales. This happens when you get value added expert advice for your customers.

Ask your customers what they are looking for in your service or product and work to deliver on their expectations. Remember, business is not just about delivering on a promise but is additionally about keeping the customer satisfied. You want your customer to talk about their positive experience in dealing with you. A satisfied customer is very often a long term repeat customer and promoter of your business.

Be a Daily Doer

Wake up in the morning and apply yourself to the tasks on your schedule.

The greatest satisfaction comes from doing the most difficult thing first. If it is picking up the phone to make the daily calls, just do it. Smile before you make that phone call. The person on the other end will “hear your smile” through the cheerful melody in your voice. Keep your conversation short and to the point.

A good practice is to write out a draft e-mail of what you want to say. Immediately after the call redraft the e-mail to take into account the positive points in the conversation. Click to send when satisfied with the accuracy and tone of the e-mail. You would have immediately left a reminder of your conversation with the customer.

If you do need to attach further information to your e-mail that requires research or looking up data then by all means get the information first before sending the e-mail.

Short thank you notes and brief spoken words of appreciation should be part of your business process. This could encourage sales and prompt payment.

Ultimately business success is about having happy, paying customers!

International Business Consultant
Your connection to global markets!

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, North America
The geographical centre of the world's largest market. 

Friday, February 17, 2012

From Idea to Entrepreneurship
Learning to be successful

The 21st century global economy demands that we re-invent ourselves continually through life long education. This is necessary as technology increasingly inter-connects us worldwide.

I have often said that, "All business is global! Even a local diner has to compete with a global food chain very often located just down the road".

In a world such as this, re-inventing ourselves so we continue to serve up something refreshing to keep the customer satisfied becomes the key ingredient for continued success.

From the time of hunter gathers to the agricultural age onward to the industrial and now information age, it has always been the ability to learn that has brought progress to human society.

In today's democratic information economy we can all tap into our natural human ability to innovate and be enterprising.

The capacity to be entrepreneurial is inherent in most of us. The question then is choice and our natural disposition. We need to decide whether we want to create our own business organization or to work for an organization. Either way we need to tap into our inherent capacity to learn new things and re-invent ourselves so we may be useful to the organization we serve.Productivity is an important ingredient for success and happiness.

The right and ability to pursue happiness is available for many of us. The question then is, do we choose to act?

We should seize the global opportunities to learn and develop the mindset for positive action. 

May continual success be yours!

Siddha Param
Internation Business Consultant
Your connection to global markets!

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, North America
The geographical centre of the world's largest market.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Deep Rockin

R & B, Soul, Folk as well as Rock & Rock all seem to have weaved a tapestry of melody, beat and the power of lyrics to move many to identify with this blend in todays Popular music.

How wonderful that across age groups and musical styles todays artist are able to transcend boxes and categories to connect with the spirit of a global audience.

Truly pop culture has deep routes in all forms of musics.

Let the music play on ...

Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Biz Strategy

Positive Business Expansion and Growth
Finding opportunity amidst uncertainty

Financial reports on increased profits can come from the business’s earnings as a factor of growth or expense reduction.
We need to analyse further to determine whether the business is increasing profits due to innovation that results in more profitable business and market growth or whether it appears to be increasing due to the cutting of expenses to hit profit numbers for investors?
In a period of global economic uncertainty it is prudent for businesses to reduce expenses. However this prudence is only justified to the extent that it also includes a plan for innovation leading to achieving more with less. This requires a mindset for deploying assets and talents in an innovative manner.
Thinking out of the box by setting new norms of behavior can lead to not just business survival but additionally an expansion trajectory in an environment where everyone else seems to be contracting their business.
The truth of the matter is, expansion is life and contraction is death. While it is very often true that 80% of our business comes from the 20% of loyal customers who need to be cultivated and encouraged to remain loyal, a growth strategy can ensure that not all our eggs are put in one basket.
Consolidation and expansion through innovation is a key to growth in an uncertain environment. The laws of nature after all suggest that the most adaptable are the ones that survive and thrive in the new stable environment that emerges.
 Once the financial crisis in the European Union is finally resolved a new global prosperity will embrace those business that are able to offer the new products and services that the new economy demands.
Already businesses that have embraced social media and smart technology devices are finding markets globally through e-commerce.  Websites are transforming themselves from mere e-brochures into e-stores that encourage customer relations that lead to e-sales.
Whatever your business, now is the time to do a market study to identify new growth markets and the fresh expectations of consumers. The Asia-Pacific economic growth is creating new opportunities for  businesses in India, China, South East Asia and the West Coast of North America.
Seek out business consultants to work with your team to identify new markets as well as new trends that can help you channel innovation towards producing the next generation of products and services. This will help you to take the necessary calculated risk to achieve continued business growth through innovation.

International Business Consultant
Your connection to global markets!

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, North America
The geographical centre of the world’s largest economy.

Monday, January 09, 2012

Biz Strategy

Re-energize and Lead Your Team
Achieve Greater Success in 2012

Tips to inspire you and your team members

Excite The Team with Your Vision

Each new year requires a re-dedication to the vision and goals of the organization through an evaluation of current realities and feed back from customers.

Encourage team members to claim ownership of the vision in a way that excites them into action.

Select The Right Person for The Job

This requires not just ensuring that the individual is qualified and competent, but additionally that they have the right personality and attitude for the set task.

Remember that different job functions may require different personality types. A personality weakness in one job may translate into a strength when re-assigned to another job function.

Consider investing into training and hiring from within.

Have a Practical Written Agenda for Action

In listing out the steps to be taken to achieve the targets set in the Action Plan remember to make them achievable with deadlines for completion.

Listen to Feedback from The Team & Customers

Remember that many hands make for light work. Encourage a team spirit that leads to creative synergy resulting in task being completed more easily without compromise on quality.

Understand that behind every great leader is a team. Every team member knows they can’t make it on their own. But Together Each Achieves Magic!

Business is About Delivering Value

Focus not just on delivering a service or product. Delight your customers by giving them a memorable positive experience.

Create a feel good factor within the team and amongst your customers.

Believe in Your Vision And Share This with The World

Broadcasting your values and vision creates expectation that once met creates loyalty from the team and customers who become advocates spreading the good word to their personal network of family, friends and associates.

Monitor Performance and Stay in Control

Personally get involved in understanding the facts on the ground through regular feed back, briefings and on the ground visits.

Remote monitoring should be supplemented with sufficient periodic face to face meetings that allow you to understand the facts behind the numbers.

Reward good performance and remedy weaknesses promptly.

Ensure that staff have access to coaching and consulting advise that allows them to learn and implement solutions in a manner that enhances their self-esteem.

Be a Great Leader

It is important that each member of a team is made to feel they count. Be consistent in praising and encouraging good behavior.

Rewarding success motivates individuals to perform better. Always deliver more then is expected.

Think big, act boldly and always exceed the expectations of team members.

Make 2012 your year for exceptional performance and success.

Have a great year!
Siddha Param
International Business Consultant
Your connection to global markets!

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, North America
The geographical center of the world's largest market.